10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

Welcome: Brooke Ryan

Session Title: The Capitol Landscape

Instructor: Ignacio Hernandez CEUs: .2

Description: Understanding how the legislative process works within the Capitol is vital to being successful with your lobbying efforts.  CCRA Legislative Representative Ignacio Hernandez will talk to you about what goes on behind the doors of the Capitol.  This information is essential when developing your platform as it allows you to anticipate your opposition, gives you a framework for the homework that you will need to do to prepare for your visit, and will teach you how to effectively communicate your position, your ideas, your support, and your opposition to your legislators.
Learning Objective: Instruction and demonstration of how to put together and make a presentation to a legislator.

12:00 P.M. – 12:45 P.M. Session Title:  Media Relations/Communication

Instructor:  Sabrina Lockhart CEUs: .1

Description:  This course will help give you the skills and confidence you need to effectively express yourself in any situation. By learning to effectively formulate and express your ideas, you open an entire new world of possibilities. You’ll be more persuasive and confident when giving presentations, and you’ll improve your one-on-one dealings with others.
Learning Objective: Participants will receive instruction, demonstration, and hands-on practice in small groups and large groups to develop public speaking skills and confidence.

1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. Session Title: SB 270 (Mendoza) Leveling the playing field for freelance reporters and firm owners in California

Instructor: Christy Cannariato CEUs: .1

Description: Participants will receive information on the various issues affecting freelance reporting in California.  Christy will cover the purpose of SB 270 (Mendoza), a bill sponsored by CCRA to level the playing field in California through firm registration.  This class will also touch on other issues affecting the legal industry as a whole and will give you direction on how to discuss these issues with colleagues, attorneys, judges, and legislators.
Learning Objective: Information, facts, and scenarios regarding ethical issues in the freelance arena and pending legislation.

2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. Session Title:  AB 2629 (Hernandez) Transcript increase bill rationale and strategy plan

Instructor: Carlos Martinez CEUs: .1

Description:  This class will cover the transcript rate increase proposal brought by CCRA.  Carlos will explain to attendees the proposed formatting change for transcripts that CCRA will be seeking, how e-filing will tie into the changes, as well as sharing the strategy that CCRA will be utilizing for the grassroots campaign to get a transcript rate increase.

3:15 P.M. to 4:15 P.M. Session Title:  CCRA Inclusion of CART provider licensure under the CRB

Instructor:  Brooke Ryan CEUs: .1

Description:  Participants will learn the rationale behind CCRA’s presentation to the California Court Reporters Board for CART provider licensure.  You will learn the reasoning for the CRB’s involvement as well as our strategic plan for inclusion.  Since we are history buffs, you will also learn about CCRA’s involvement in licensure of CSRs many years ago.  This is our foray into representing CART/Captioners’ professional interests through legislative efforts.  Brooke will talk to you about the CART/Captioning industry and will speak to you about the endless possibilities in this dynamic and fast-growing facet of our profession.

4:15 P.M. – 5:15 P.M. Session Title: “Strategery”
Instructor: Doreen Perkins

CEUs: .15

Description: Information: Participants will receive instruction on the importance of preparation and research for all court reporter issues. They will be taught how and where to obtain the information necessary to enable them to accurately and intelligently discuss issues with legislators and their staff.
Learning Objective: Learning how to obtain facts, figures, and reports regarding court reporting issues.

5:15 P.M. - TDB

Meet with groups and group mentor for un-hosted working dinner and time after to plan and prepare presentations for the following day.

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016:

9:00 A.M. – 9:40  Session Title:  Senator Tony Mendoza – California State Senate, 32nd District

9:45 A.M. – 11:25 A.M. Session Title: PRESENTATIONS – Under the direction of CCRA Board

Instructors:  CCRA Board and Advisors CEUs: .30

Description: Groups will present their prepared presentations in six different scenarios simulating differing persons, positions, and viewpoints.
Learning Objective: Groups will use their learned skills to make presentations and receive feedback on their presentations.

11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. Group reports (Working Lunch) Session Title: DEBRIEFING

Instructor: Gary Cramer CEUs: .15

Description: Groups will provide feedback to each other and receive critiques on their presentation.

Learning Objective: Give and receive feedback on successful presentations and talk about how to improve lobbying techniques.

1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. Nuts and Bolts on a Local Level Session Title: Bringing it Home

Instructors: Lesia Mervin and Kimberly Rosenberger CEUs: .1

Description: Learn how to use skills and lobbying efforts on a grassroots level to lobby a position, gain membership and member support, fundraising, and becoming personally involved on a local level.

Learning Objective: Participants will receive instruction on grassroots lobbying, lobbying at the local level, and how they can personally make a difference. Participants will learn why it is important to know what to do when called upon to meet with their legislators on a local level. Instruction will be given on how to make appointments with your legislator, what to do when you get there, and the talking points to be given while at a meeting with your legislator.

2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. Closing Session – Wrap-up
Session Title: Past Presidents Panel Discussion

CEUs: .1

Description: Ask your questions and share your thoughts. Hear “war stories” from Past Presidents regarding testifying, meeting with legislators, how they “learned the ropes” and how you can take the knowledge and information you have just learned and become a leader too.
Learning Objective: Participants will gain the confidence to put their leadership skills to work, empowering them with the ability not only to lobby their legislators but to apply these skills in all aspects of their life. They will realize that they are effective leaders and advocates for the reporting profession.  

Total available CEUs: 1.40

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